About Us

Orchard Park Presbyterian Church

MIssion Statement & Guiding Principles

Blessed by God's Love, the Orchard Park Family seeks to grow in our faith
and reach out with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit

It is the desire of the people of Orchard Park Presbyterian Church to search for, embrace, and implement the will of the Holy Spirit in all that we do. Our prayer and aim is to be a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led people.  

To learn more about our theology please click here.


Worship, with its reformed rhythm of prayer and praise, Word and Sacrament, is central to the life of the OPPC congregation.

To learn more about our Order of Worship, 

please click here. 

To learn more about our Sacraments, 

please click here.

Children and Youth

OPPC has a great tradition of children and youth ministries and we must use that heritage to propel us forward and outward. Children are welcomed at our worship services with Children’s Messages targeted to their understanding.

Young Adults and Young Parents

We are deeply committed to ministering to our young adults and young parents, they are a vital part of our OPPC family.


We are to be one church and one congregation, not many.

Our goal is to unite our congregation into a single body of believers through worship, prayer, mission and outreach, education, communication, and fellowship, while still maintaining the spectrum of styles and opportunities required to meet the diverse worship and service needs of our people.


One of the strengths of the OPPC congregation is our warm friendliness and open-armed welcome to everyone who enters our doors. It is our desire to build a more cohesive intergenerational community that serves as an extended family.


The Orchard Park congregation has a deep commitment to reaching out with love and compassion to our neighbors, both in our home communities and around the world. This passion for mission at a personal and congregational level will continue to be a cornerstone of our identity in the years ahead.


We strongly affirm the historical doctrine of the priesthood of all believers, as borne out by the enthusiasm with which our people have shared their passion and faith during the wide-ranging discussions we have had together as part of this Mission Study. We know that in the great

Presbyterian tradition, persons among us are called to take up positions of leadership as Deacons, Ruling Elders, and Teaching Elders.

To learn more about our governance or polity as well as the Presbyterian Church (USA) please click here.

OPPC History

Orchard Park Presbyterian Church was formed in 1956. 

In 1955, two gentleman – Dick Helmuth and Al Porteous – began a campaign to establish a Presbyterian church on the northside of Indianapolis near Carmel.

They were able to recruit several members who agreed with them and on January 15, 1956, 116 people signed up as members of the church creating what is now known as Orchard Park Presbyterian Church.

Staff & Leadership of OPPC

Rev. Ken Locke

Interim Pastor

Rev. Trish Lisa

Parish Associate

Michael J. Pietranczyk

Music Director

Dr. Kristen Lehr

Youth Outreach Director

Mary Leffler

Business Administrator

Joseph Delise

Technology & Building Superintendent

Deb Foster

Administrative Assistant