Welcome to Orchard Park Presbyterian Church. We are glad you are worshiping
with us today and hope you will explore the many opportunities of learning,
serving, and community building at Orchard Park! We are a caring community
committed to living the greatest commandment of loving God and loving our
neighbors. If you’re new in town and/or are looking for a church home, please
accept this welcome as an open invitation to come with us as we worship and
serve Jesus Christ!
● Please join us for fellowship & Bible study.
● Please silence electronic devices when in the Sanctuary or Chapel.
● Nursery care is available during worship in room 126.
● Following the morning service, those who would like to do so are invited
to greet one another for fellowship in the Lounge
● If you would like to talk to a pastor or notify the pastoral staff of
personal concerns, illnesses, hospitalizations, or deaths, please call the
church at 317.844.1107.
● If you have a prayer request, contact Marc Kruithoff
● If you are interested in becoming a member of Orchard Park, email
Shelly Wood (shellywood@orchardpark.org).