Thirty students and counting. Thanks to donations from members, preschool parents and school “lost & founds,” we can now provide clothing to even more Carmel Clay elementary and middle school students. Each student in need receives new underwear and socks, 2-3 shirts, 2-3 pants, and a sweatshirt if requested. Since the start of the school year, we have filled requests from Forest Dale, Carmel Elementary, Woodbrook, Carmel Middle School, just to name a few.

Donations don’t need to stop. New and gently used clothing acceptable for school students, along with new underwear & socks, can be placed in the mission receptacle kitty corner from the small chapel. (Just look for the Hall of Fame displaying pictures of our current and former ministers and you will see the bins.) Clothesline Ministry volunteers will sort the clothes, keep what we can use, donate what we can’t, and ready the clothes for the next request.
Any questions? Just ask Julie Meeks, Becky Emerson, Sharon Young or Cindy Muse – your Clothesline Ministry team! Or email
“I feel like children today have enough challenges each day. Having to worry about having clothes to wear, underwear and socks is a challenge we can help remedy. I hope this gesture touches the families in a positive way and gives them a connection to the church.”
A testimonial from Sharon Young
“As I was reading about the mission opportunities at OPPC which were included in the information folder given to interested visitors, I particularly took note of Trinity Fellowship and the Clothesline Ministry. I liked the potential of personal interaction, reusing really nice clothing, and personalizing each item for each student’s size, needs, and style preference. I love carefully folding each laundered and fluffed item before putting them into coordinated outfits to be bagged for a tall slim 2nd grade boy who needs extra slim jeans to wear with a Colts t-shirt under his soft hoodie. I won’t meet this boy, but I know he’ll look and feel great going to school and doing his best because someone cared enough to give support.”
A testimonial from Becky Emerson