Fall 2024 Building and Property Updates

November Update: Due to supply issues this work has been postponed. We are hopeful we will be able to do this work over the holiday break.

The Building and Property Committee, in collaboration with the Preschool and the Finance Committees, has developed a phased plan to address immediate needs related to the Preschool and Junior High Youth, while also catching up on essential capital maintenance spending for the building. This partnership ensures that we are both improving safety and maximizing the mission impact of our financial resources. Additionally, we are preparing for a modest potential long-term expansion of our Preschool program as demand for enrollment continues to grow. This phased approach allows us to prioritize necessary improvements while maintaining flexibility for future growth and expansion.

If you have any questions – feel free to reach out to any of these Elders:

  • Gary Jones and Tom Graff, Building and Property
  • Dan McGhiey, Finance
  • Tom Kapostasy, Treasurer
  • Lynn Werckenthien, Preschool

Phase I – Immediate Security and Space Needs

Phase I addresses critical security upgrades for the Preschool and the need for additional classroom space for the 2024–2025 school year based on current enrollment. It also includes minor renovations to ensure we meet state requirements for Preschool facilities.

  • Preschool Security: To enhance security and alarming during Preschool hours, we will install new security doors in two locations:
    • At the south end of Main Street, south of the Prayer Chapel entrance
    • At the east end of the Preschool hallway near Room 115: These doors will remain locked during preschool hours, with limited electronic access and also controlled by our fire alarm system. This will limit access to Preschool areas while maintaining accessibility for church programs operating during school hours.
  • Additional Classrooms:
    To accommodate more students for the 2024-2025 preschool program:
    • Rooms 212 and 213 will be used for older preschoolers.
      • Room 213 will have a sink installed to meet state requirements, allowing us to move the Preschool class currently in Room 205 to Room 213. This will restore Room 205 for Children’s Ministry. 
      • Room 212 met all of the basic FSSA requirements with no renovations necessary.  This room was set up as a classroom in August, which requires us to restore space appropriate for the Junior High youth.
    • Rooms 208 (Quilters) and 209 (IBA) will not be impacted by this phase of the expansion. 

Timeline and Impact:
Phase I work will be completed during Preschool Fall Break (October 7th–11th), with no anticipated disruptions to Preschool or other church programs.

Phase I Project Scope:

  • Install a sink in Room 213 (preschool requirement)
  • Install new LVT flooring and paint in Rooms 204, 206, 208, and 209
  • Install new security access doors to secure the preschool wing

The total estimated cost for Phase I is $60,000.

Phase II Future Project Considerations: These projects remain under review and have yet to receive approval from Session. We are sharing this information to provide greater transparency into the planning process and to keep the congregation informed as we evaluate these opportunities.

  • Improving Church First Impressions:
    We are considering updates to key areas of the church to enhance outreach and attract new members. This may include improvements such as refreshing flooring, seating, and other fixtures.
  • Space Repurposing and Rentals:
    We are exploring ways to make better use of our existing spaces, such as the Adult Studies Wing, to create opportunities for increased rental income or community outreach activities, while ensuring space remains accessible for church programming.
  • Preschool Program Expansion:
    There is potential to expand our preschool program, which may involve moving the aftercare program to another area of the building and repurposing additional rooms to accommodate growing enrollment. These options remain under consideration, and no immediate changes are planned.

We will ensure that the congregation is kept informed and included in these conversations through informational sessions hosted by the Long-term Financial Planning Sub-Committee. These sessions will provide clarity on how proposed projects align with our financial goals and mission. The Session has approved the Committee’s analysis and recommendations to support a sustainable financial future, including increased investment in facilities over the next five years.


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