January 16, 2025
The Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John all begin with Jesus’ backstory. They differ. Matthew is concerned with Joseph. Luke concentrates on Mary. And John goes all the way back to “In the beginning….” Clearly, each of them wants us to know something about where Jesus came from. Before telling us about his ministry, they want us to know about Jesus’ origin.
Mark is different. Mark doesn’t begin with where Jesus was born or what his parents were like. There are no angels, no visitors, and no theological language suggesting Jesus is God.
Instead, Mark begins with Jesus’ Advance Team. It’s not much of a team. Just one lone prophet in the wilderness. But he matters. John’s clothes and diet tell us he is in the line of the great Old Testament prophets. His message of repentance resonates with the people. And he tirelessly points towards Jesus, preparing the people for Jesus’ appearance.
Jesus’ backstory matters. We need to know about Mary and Joseph. We need to know about the shepherds and the magi. We need to know that God became human to live among us and bring light to our dark lives. These all matter.
But you and I are not Gospel writers, nor are we grand theologians. In our time and place, we are Jesus’ advance team. We are the ones who prepare our friends and neighbors to hear the Good News of God’s love. Our job is to constantly point towards Jesus.
Like John, we need to be credible. Do our lifestyle and behavior suggest we are in the line of the prophets? Or would someone have to squint to see John the Baptist in us? Is our message what others need to hear? Or is our behavior so abhorrent they tune out our words? Is our message about Jesus? Or are we constantly pointing towards ourselves?
As we begin our new year of ministry here at Orchard Park, may we all do our best to be the John the Baptist our friends and neighbors need to see, hear and believe. Amen.