Scouting Sunday – February 2, 2025

Jeremiah 1:4-10; Luke 4:16-22

Rev. Kenneth M. Locke, Interim Pastor

Orchard Park Presbyterian Church; Carmel, IN

February 2, 2025; Fourth Sunday After Epiphany

Do you ever feel like nobody really knows you? Seriously, no matter how old or young you are, do you ever feel like no one understands you? No one knows what you can do. No one ever sees the real you? What you’re capable of? Do you ever feel that way?

Today we are honored to have a number of Scouts with us in our service. Many of you have badges you’ve earned. These badges tell us something about you. They tell us what skills you mastered to earn them, but they also tell us something about what you can do. What you’re capable of. Your badges tell us you have self-discipline. You know how to follow instructions. You have commitment, stick-to-itiveness.

But they don’t tell us what sort of life you’ll live. They don’t tell us what you will accomplish or what sort of person you’ll be. A hint, maybe, but that’s all.

What about the rest of us? Can someone look at us and tell what sort of person we are? Can someone look at us and know what we’ll do with our lives? No. They can’t.

To be truthful, we don’t even know ourselves. Do we know what difference we’ll make to the world? Do we know what great things we will do for God? No, we don’t.

Jesus goes to Nazareth, and he tells the people straight up. “The Spirit of God is upon me! I’m going make things happen – healing, liberating, spreading good news. I am God’s chosen one and I’m going to do great things for God.”

But is that what the people see? Do they see Jesus’ future? No. ‘Isn’t this Joseph’s kid?’ That’s what they see. They don’t know Jesus like God knows Jesus. They don’t see what God sees.

God calls Jeremiah. Who knows Jeremiah better, God or Jeremiah? God, of course. ‘You are a prophet. You will build up and tear down.’ Jeremiah says, ‘No. I can’t do that.’ God says, ‘Yes. You can.’ Jeremiah can’t see what God sees.

Obviously, these are extreme examples, but they point to an important truth. God knows us. God sees us even better than we

see ourselves. And God empowers us to live lives of meaning and purpose.

Maybe you never have a moment’s doubt about what you will do. You are supremely self-confident, and you know everyone sees you for the marvel you are. Maybe that’s you.

But for the rest of us, beloved, I encourage you to remember this. You are a child of God. You are a child of God and God sees you knows you and loves you just as you are. And God will empower you to live a life of meaning and purpose.

Beloved, rejoice in who you are: a child of God. Amen.

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