Remember your first day of school at the end of August or early September during your childhood years? Did you have all the pencils, notebooks, pens and books you needed? Did you have a new outfit to wear? New shoes? Did you have a filling breakfast with lots of fresh fruit and cereal? Did you have a packet of tissues in your pocket just in case you sneezed or cried?
Imagine going to school without pens and paper….without a new clothes and shoes….with your stomach growling and your nose dripping…what a way to start the new school year.
Tools for Schools, lead by Merciful H.E.L.P., makes sure that more than 3,000 students in Hamilton County have a tailored school supply package along with socks, underwear, shoes, water bottle, toiletries, food and more to ensure a successful start to the new school year. Classroom and grades improve when children are provided with the necessities.
You can help in 2 ways. First, you can sponsor a child by contributing $160 which covers all the expenses and needs of 1 child in the program. Or you can donate an amount of your choice to help reach the $160 needed for each child. Just sign up here.
Secondly, you can mark your calendar to volunteer your time to distribute the Tools for Schools packet on July 20, 21, 22 and 23. A link will be coming soon.
Please consider giving Hamilton County school children the basics to reinforce or build their self-esteem and provide the essentials needed for educational success!