Serving in the Community

For about 20 years, Orchard Park Presbyterian Church members have held a service for Brookdale Senior Living residents (formerly Sunrise) in Carmel, Indiana. Members of OPPC have conducted a worship service on the 2nd Sunday of every month to a group of assisted living and memory care residents who come to sing praises, pray and hear God’s word.
Former pastor Mike Ireland began this ministry about the time Juanita Chisler, a former member of Orchard Park, who has since passed away, became a resident at Brookdale. Mike would visit Juanita and give communion. He then expanded his ministry to others at Brookdale.
Around 2004-05, Mike asked the Orchard Park Presbyterian Church Deacons to shepherd this ministry. Deacon Ellen Smith felt called to this mission, and has been one of the leaders ever since. Other OPPC folks have helped over the years including Doris Wright, Jane Shawhan, Steve Schehl, Buz & Marilyn Eichman, Nick & Barb Tillema, Margaret & Albert Chen . . . just to name a few. Doris, particularly, has been a faithful leader by playing the piano for almost every worship service for the past 15+ years.

At the end of the service, OPPC volunteers stay and fellowship with the residents of the facility. Such a blessing for all.
If you would like to learn more about this amazing ministry and how you can help please contact Orchard Park Presbyterian Church or you can email Ellen Smith ( directly.